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12th ICMFE

October 21, 2017 @ 9:00 am - October 22, 2017 @ 6:00 pm +04

12th International Conference on Management, Finance and Entrepreneurship

Conference aims to provide a platform to scholars, academicians, practitioners, and business managers to share their valuable knowledge and experience with each other in the context of changing economics and social settings. Objective of the conference is to bring people from the academia and business world closer so that they can share the latest developments in the fields of business, economics, development studies, social sciences, and technology. Contributors can submit their papers as an email attachment: [email protected], [email protected] in doc or docx format. Please do mention name of the conference at the time of submission.

Publication Opportunities

Publication Opportunities:

Accepted papers will be considered for publication in international peer reviewed journals (Indexed in ISI, SCOPUS, ProQuest and IBSS) if desired by the contributors.

  • Information Management and Business Review (ABI-INFORM, Business Dateline, EBSCOHost)
  • Journal of Economics and Behavioral Studies (IBSS, ABI-INFORM, Business Dateline, EBSCOHost)
  • Advance Science Letters (SCOPUS)
  • Journal of Social and Development Sciences (ProQuest Scoial Science, EBSCOHost)
  • Journal of Education and Vocational Research (Education Source, EBSCOHost)


Call for Papers

Conference invites work in the form of research paper, conceptual paper, and technical report addressing the timely issues and developments in finance, entrepreneurship, education, information management, business, development studies, management and technology. We welcome both theoretical and empirical papers in but not limited to the subjects of:

Management Finance Entrepreneurship
Change Management Introduction to Finance Entrepreneurial Ventures
Total Quality Management Financial Management Entrepreneurship in Organizations
Strategic Management Public Finance Entrepreneurship and Society
Marketing Financial Economics Creativity and Innovation
Economics Corporate Finance Marketing for Enterprises
Sociology and Psychology Behavioral Finance Financing Ventures
Human Resource Management International Finance Small and Medium Sized Enterprises
Organizational Behavior Investment Management Corporate Entrepreneurship

Paper Submission

All manuscripts are subject to double blind peer review and will be assessed by the reviewers based on quality, originality and relevance. Papers will be reviewed and feedback will be given to authors as soon as possible to complete the review process within one month. Authors should write and format their manuscript according to author guidelines. Accepted papers will be published in the refereed conference proceedings. Authors are invited to submit full text papers including results, tables, figures and references. Contributors can submit their papers as an email attachment: [email protected], [email protected] in doc or docx format.


Best Paper Award
Best paper in each session will be awarded Best Paper Certificate. Best papers will be notified by the session chair at the end of each session of the conference. All the best papers will be published in journals if desired by the authors.

Important Dates
Particulars Date
Abstract/Full Paper Submission: September 25, 2017
Notification of Acceptance: September 27, 2017
Last Date of Early Bird Registration: September 10, 2017
Final/Revised Paper Submission: September 30, 2017
Last Date of Regular Registration: September 30, 2017
Conference Dates: October 21-22, 2017
Author Guidelines
All manuscripts submitted for consideration should follow these guidelines.

Manuscript Submission
For manuscript submission please read following guidelines. Manuscripts must be sent as an email attachment. Acknowledgement of manuscript submission will be sent to author(s) within 48 hours.

Review Process
All manuscripts are subject to double blind peer review. Papers will be reviewed by an editor and members of the editorial board and experienced reviewers around the world. Feedback will be given to authors as early as possible, as we make every effort to complete the review process within 4 weeks.

Formatting Guidelines
Author(s) should write and format their manuscript according to following guidelines. Failing to do this, the editor may decline to review the manuscript at early stage.

• All manuscripts must be in MS Word (Doc/Docx) format.
• First page should contain title of the study, name(s) of the author(s), affiliation, telephone number and email address. Mailing address of the correspondence author should also be mentioned.
• Please do not write authors name elsewhere in the manuscript as the paper will be sent for blind review.
• Title of the paper should be precise, concise and in bold.
• Second page should contain title and a structured abstract of maximum 200 words followed by five (5) keywords.
• Rest of the paper should contain introduction to the topic, review of literature, methodology, results and discussion, conclusion, recommendations and references.
• Article/research paper should be written in English in simple, concise, and correct language.
• Manuscript must be double spaced in Times New Roman with no hyperlinks. Article should not exceed 20 pages. Format consistency is expected in writing the research articles from the author(s).
• Tables should be numbered with Arabic format. Tables should be in MS word and placed where interpretation of table is carried out. The table should not be enclosed on separate sheet.
• Figure(s) should be cited in Arabic format. For Example; Figure 1. The Figure(s) should be clear enough to read and interpret.
• List of non- standard abbreviations will be added by the author(s).
• All mathematical equations should be typed as text. For this purpose equations editor is preferred. Equation in the form of image is not acceptable.
• Running text citation should be given properly like Armstrong (2001), (Simon, 2001), Fullan & Scott (2009).
• Paper from previous journal issues or conferences can be used as reference for formatting purposes.
• References at the end should appear alphabetically. Please follow latest edition of APA referencing style for every type of reference. Use MS Word reference function or End Note Software for inserting reference.

Journal Paper Reference
Lovichakorntikul, P., Walsh, J. (2011). Effective Channels for Establishing an Irlen Centre to Help People with Reading Problems in Thailand. Information Management and Business Review, 2(3), 99-105.

Book Reference
Kotler, P. (1997). Marketing Management: Analysis, Planning, Implementation and Control (9th ed), Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall International.

Final Submission
Accepted paper should be formatted using single space, font Cambria, font size 10 and maximum 14-16 single space pages.

Author (s) should affirm that the material has not published previously. It has not been submitted to another conference, and it is not under consideration by any journal.

If you have any query please contact us at: [email protected] or [email protected]


All attending conference participants must pay the registration fee. For each paper, at least one author must attend and pay the registration fee to be included in the conference proceedings. However, author can register in absetia if unable to attend the conference. One author can submit more than one paper and need to pay an additional registration fee for each additional paper. In case the paper is multi-authored and more than one author will attend the conference, each attending author needs to register separately.

Early Bird Registration Fee Regular Registration Fee
First Paper Additional Paper First Paper Additional Paper
Author Delegates 250 US$ 100 US$ 300 US$ 150 US$
Student Delegates 150 US$ 80 US$ 200 US$ 100 US$
Members of AMH 200 US$ 100 US$ 250 US$ 100 US$
Other Delegates 200 US$ 250 US$

Note: Registration fee is non-refundable, exclusive of bank charges and can be paid in equivalent AED or USD. Contributor(s) can submit fee through bank transfer or credit card.

All non-member delegates can pay registration fee of AMH Members by adding USD100 in the registration fee of Members of AMH and hence become AMH Members.

Registration fee includes: Conference attendance, daily tea breaks, luncheon and publication of accepted papers in the refereed conference proceedings. Registration fee does not include hotel accommodation and transport. Participants have to arrange visa at their own.

Conference Venue

Venue of the conference is Holiday Inn Istanbul City Hotel. Hotel is just steps from Pazartekke tram station on line T1 running to the Old City and a 40-minute taxi ride to Istanbul Atatürk Airport (IST). A private transfer service to and from the airport is available.

Hotel Address: Turgut Ozal Cad. (Millet Cad.) 189 Topkapi 34280 Istanbul, Turkey,

Website: www.hiistanbulcity.com.tr

Email:  [email protected][email protected],

Phone: +90 212 530 99 00, Fax: +90 212 530 99 24

Room Rates:

Single Bed: EURO60, Double Bed  EURO65 (Rates are inclusive of breakfast and all taxes)

Note: It is pertinent to mention here that the conference organizers do not provide accommodation. We suggest you to make an early reservation at Holiday Inn Istanbul City Hotel or any nearby hotel.

Conference Proceedings

We will publish both full paper and abstract book double blind peer reviewed conference proceedings with ISSN 2311-6269 (CD-ROM). Authors have the choice to opt any of the available options. Refereed conference proceedings will be included in each conference registrant’s packet. Participants can collect their conference packet from the registration desk on the day of the conference.

Conference Program

Draft conference program is available based on confirmation received so for.

0815-0900 Welcome and Registration
0900-0910 Welcome Address-Prof Dr Alexandru Trifu
0910-0940 Keynote Address-Prof Dr Omer Caha
0940-0950 Vote of Thanks-Prof Dr Zehra Vildan Serrin
0950-1000 Photo Session
1000-1030 MORNING TEA
  Room 1: Session Chair-Prof Dr Chux Gervase Iwu Room 2: Session Chair-Prof Dr Zehra Vildan Serin
1030-1045 Impact of Intellectual Capital Management and Human Capital Circulation on Business Practice at Macro- and Micro Level-Iryna Oleynikova,  Zhanna Balabaniuk Job Resourcefulness, customer orientation and employees outcomes: A study of hotel employees in Pakistan-Afsheen Fatima, Sarah Salah Uddin, Saba Mehmood, Ashfeen Bibi
1050-1105 Transport infrastructure as a factor of economic growth in Azerbaijan-Maharramov Amil Mammadali, Khasiyev Bahruz Gabil Link Program: Evidence from Microfinance Institution in Jordan-

Bashar Al-Zu’bi

1110-1125 Development of the market of milking parlors as a factor of competitiveness of manufacturers of equipment for the dairy industry-Kulumbegov Mikhail Mikhailovich An exploratory study on the Six Sigma barriers factors in Tunisian context-Lamine kaouthar, Lassaad LAKHAL
1130-1145 Social Business: A Response to Market Failure-Abdel Hamid NECHAD, Tarik KASBAOUI State of the Art of Social Enterprises Operating in Georgia-Maya Giorbelidze
1150-1205 Awarded with economic growth, from weak to strong patent legislation: Legal study in regard to China-Shaghayegh Haji Bagher Naeeni The Direct and indirect effect of TQM / Six Sigma practices on performance: The Tunisian context-Lamine kaouthar, Lassaad LAKHAL
1210-1225 Acute Effect of Breakfast Meals of Different Glycemic Index On Glycemic Responses in Women with Gestational Diabetes Mellitus-Farhanah AS, Barakatun Nisak MY, Nor Azlin MI, Zalilah MS, Norlaila Mustapa, Nor Azmi Kamaruddin Analysis of Municipal Bonds Issuance as an Alternative Source of Financing (Case Study of Banda Aceh Government)-Muhadam Labolo, Muhammad Fadhil Achyari
1230-1245 Mental and Physical Health Status of School Children. A Systematic Review-Zamzaliza Abdul Mulud, Nor Hidayu Sukardi, Norfidah Mohamad Problems and challenges of trade facilitation and trade finance in light of institutional frame: The case of Georgia-Natia Jibladze
1245-1300 Structured Foot Care Education Program for Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in a Tertiary Care Hospital, Malaysia-Norfidah Mohamad, Zamzaliza Abdul Mulud, Norhayati Shariff Effectuation: Impact on R&D Project Performance within Innovation-Lazreg Chaima
1300-1400 LUNCH  BREAK
  Room 1: Session Chair Dr Zamzaliza Abdul Mulud Room 2: Session Chair-Dr Bashar Al-Zu’bi
1400-1415 The Application of Project Management Principles: The Case of SMEs in The Cape Metropolitan Area-Faith C. Wadzwanya, Stanley Fore, Chux Gervase Iwu Perception of tourism business owners on the role played by local tourism authority in Bergville-Simiso Lindokuhle Mabaso
1420-1435 High performance work system and positive organizational outcomes: Mediating role of employee engagement-Afsheen Fatima, Muhammad Asif Khan Effects of Problem Based Learning on Students’ Critical Thinking Skills, Attitudes Towards Learning, and Achievement-Riffatun Nisa Awan, Hamid Hussain
1440-1455 The Impact of Social Support on Psychological Distress among Khawajasira Community: The Mediated Effect of Self-Efficacy- Hafiz Muhammad Ahmad Abbas, Virdah Iram Gull, Khalid Ghaffar Measures to Encourage The Use of Life Cycle Assessment for Building Activities in The South African Construction Industry-Ngwepe LK, Aigbavboa, CO, Thwala, WD
1500-1515 Board Member Age Diversity and Financial Performance of Manufacturing Firms: A Developing Economy Perspective-Richard Akisimire, Muhsin Salim Masoud, Mutahyoba D. Baisi, Laura A. Orobia When tourism attraction is supposed to be a goose that lays the golden egg but in contrary becoming a health hazard for uMlazi local residents of Durban in South Africa-Nsizwazikhona S. Chili, Thulile Promise Ndlovu
1515-1530 Inflation Dynamics in Algeria-Samer Mehibel, Yacine Belarbi Social Exclusion of Syrian Women Refugees: A Case Study for Turkey-Z. Vildan Serin, Fatma Betül Özkök, Hilal Kalyoncu
1530-1545 Corporate marketing knowledge and its use by Small and Medium Enterprise-Lawrence Mpele LEKHANYA The Rising of the New Era: Populism, Political Parties and Economic Stability-Z. Vildan Serin, Ozcan Ozkan
1545-1600 An Exploratory Study on Factors Affecting Graduation and Dropout Rates in A University of Technology-Peggy Pinky Gumede Constrictions of emerging tourism entrepreneurship in the townships of South Africa-Nsizwazikhona Simon Chili
Room 1: Session Chair-Prof Dr Laura A. Orobia Room 2: Session Chair-Prof Dr Alexandru Trifu
1600-1615 Functionality and Reliability of Research Promotional Strategic Management Framework at DUT-Philisiwe Charity Cele, Lawrence Mpele Lekhanya An Evaluative Study of “Saudization” and “Nitaqat” with Reference to Small-Medium Enterprises in Saudi Arabia-Abdullah Al-Amri, Muhammad Asad Sadi
1620-1635 Rapidly increasing levels of over indebtedness: A debt trap for consumers-Teshani Sewnunan, Paul Green Avoiding Premature Project Closure-M. M Mutshaeni, Clinton  O Aigbavboa
1635-1650 Stakeholders’ contributions to social housing programs in Gauteng, South Africa-Clinton O. Aigbavboa, Oluwaseun S. Dosumu The Evolution of The Malaysian Foreign Policy (1957-2000)-Nik Ahnaf Ansari
1655-1710 Drivers for the Formation of Informal Financial Associations by Immigrant Entrepreneurs in South Africa: the Case of Cameroonians-Linus Nkem, Robertson K. Tengeh An Evaluation of SCM Collaborative Practices in Construction Contracting in South Africa-Zanele  S Matsane, Clinton  O Aigbavboa
1715-1730 Sources of Financing Urban Infrastructure Projects in Gauteng, South Africa-Dithebe Khotso, Aigbavboa Clinton.O, Oke, Ayodeji. E Causes of Premature Project Closure-M. M Mutshaeni, Aigbavboa CO
1730-1745 Awareness Level of Alternative Building Materials (ABM) Option in South Africa-Oluwaseun S. Dosumu, Clinton O. Aigbavboa Project Ending Competencies-M. M Mutshaeni, Clinton  O Aigbavboa
1745-1800 University-Industry Collaboration and Malaysian Universities Funding Model-Imaduddin Abidin, Anita Abdul Rani ‘Blessing or Curse?’ Introduction of Bond Notes as an Antidote to Zimbabwe’s Liquidity Crises-Matanda Ephraim, Dube Hlupeko, Madzokere Nyasha




Organizing Committee

Conference Chair
Alexandru Trifu, Ph. D., University, Petre Andrei, Iasi, Romania

Conference Convener

Zehra Vildan SERİN, Ph. D., Hasan Kalyoncu University, Gaziantep, Turkey


Hermann Gruenwald, Ph.D., Burapha University International College, Bangsaen, Thailand

Rishidaw Balkaran, Ph. D., Durban University of Technology, South Africa

Ayhan Kapusuzoglu, Ph. D., Yildirim Beyazit University, Ankara, Turkey

Nek Kamal Yeop Yunus, Ph. D., Univerisiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris , Perak, Malaysia

Dileep Kumar M. PhD., University Gorgasali, Georgia, Malaysia Center

Johan de Jager, Ph. D., Tshwane University of Technology, South Africa

Wei-Bin Zhang, Ph. D., Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University, Japan

Katalin Jackel, Ph. D., Budapest Business School, Budapest, Hungary

Pratibha Samson Gaikwad, Ph. D, Shivaji University of Pune, India

Izah Mohd Tahir, Ph. D., University Sultan Zainal Abidin, Terengganu, Malaysia

Chux Gervase Iwu, Ph. D., Cape Peninsula University of Technology, South Africa

Somnath Sen, Ph. D., University of Birmingham, United Kingdom

Susantha Herath, Ph. D., St. Cloud State University, USA

M. Saman Dassanayake, Ph. D., University of Colombo, Colombo, Sri Lanka

Hamdan Said, Ph. D., Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor Bahru Johor, Malaysia

Boubker Sbihi, Ph. D., I-shcool ESI, Rabat, Morocco


October 21, 2017 @ 9:00 am +04
October 22, 2017 @ 6:00 pm +04
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Holiday Inn Istanbul City
Topkapı Mahallesi, Turgut Özal Millet Cd No:189, Fatih
İstanbul, Istanbul 34280 Turkey
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+90 212 530 99 00
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